Offline PiterPy. Saint Petersburg

November 13–14 00:0000:00 (UTC+3)

Offline: Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel, 1 Pobedy Square, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

It’s offline, where you

  • Talk in person

    Chat with colleagues. Catch speakers to talk to or consult with experts.
  • Join various activities

    Participate in sessions, contests and quizzes. Complete quests or compete in games.
  • Hanging at the booths

    Meet new projects and companies. Network on career topics. Get merch.

Offline only, no recording

  1. November 13

    • No record
      Room 2

      Lightning Talks

      Lightning talks are a great format to have a dynamic discussion and find like-minded people. Ten-minute talks on near-professional topics and vibrant discussions are waiting for you.

      You have seen PiterPy's talks and feel you can add something of your own to them? Apply for a Lightning Talk at the venue and expand the list of conference topics! 

    • No record
      Room 3

      Quiz the Other Way Round

      Are you ready to answer tricky questions about Python? What if your colleague asks them?

      Join a reverse quiz from the PiterPy Programme Committee. Things will go differently here: it's not the host who will come up with questions and ask them, but your team will ask questions to another team. Points are awarded not only to the team that answered the question, but also to the team that asked them.

      You can register your team at the venue or in advance via the registration form. There are no restrictions on the number of participants in the team.

      Winners will get valuable prizes from PiterPy!

  2. November 14

    • No record
      Master class
      Room 3

      Hacking master class

      Last year the speaker talked about interesting vulnerabilities in Python. And this year we will prepare a small CTF platform on the Python stack and see in practice how to find and crack through these vulnerabilities.

      To participate, you will need a Kali Linux image on a virtual machine, Burp Suite, a laptop.

At the venue, in general

  • Afterparty

    A party for participants, speakers, experts and hosts. The menu includes drinks and appetizers, informal networking and a great time spent.
  • Lunch and coffee breaks

    Buffet for all participants. Drinks and snacks of your choice in between.
  • Networking

    Meeting colleagues from different companies. Sharing ideas and contacts.
  • Mix of various formats

    Discussions and informal talks with speakers and participants. Round tables, BoF sessions and Lightning talks.

If you can’t participate offline or want to leave early, there is always an online broadcast of all the talks from the main program. Then there are video recordings available.


  • Where will the offline part of the conference be held?
    Offline part will be held on November 13–14 at the following address: Saint Petersburg, 1 Pobedy Square, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovskaya Hotel.
  • When will the program and time for the offline part of the conference be known?
    We begin publishing the program in batches on the conference website one month in advance.
  • What activities will be included on the offline part of the conference?

    There will be on the offline part:

    • talks;
    • roundtables;
    • BoF-sessions: meetings of interest without a scheduled schedule;
    • discussions with offline and online speakers who will come to the site;
    • Afterparty for participants at the end of the first offline day.
  • Will there be an online broadcast of the offline part of the conference?

    We will broadcast live most of the activities of the offline part: talks, roundtables, etc.

    Discussions and BoF-sessions will not be broadcast or recorded.

  • Offline was so long ago that I no longer remember what the procedure was for offline conferences.
    Don’t worry, before the conference we will send you a participant’s memo. It will contain all the necessary information.
  • Can I buy a ticket only for the offline part of the conference?
    To attend the offline part, you must purchase an  ticket. It entitles you to attend the offline part of the conference and lifetime access to the recordings of the online part.
  • How do I get into offline part if I have a  ticket?
    If you already have a ticket for the online part of the conference, you can upgrade it to . To do so, email our support team at
  • How do I get to the offline part if the company only paid for my  ticket?
    If the company that paid for your ticket is not willing to upgrade to , you can do it yourself at a discount. The discount is given for taking the survey after the online part of the conference ends.
  • Is there a limit to the number of tickets for the offline part?

    The number of tickets is limited to the capacity of the conference venue.

    So it is better to buy tickets in advance while they are available.

  • Are there any restrictions on going to an offline conference?

    There will be no COVID restrictions on site visits. You don’t need QR codes or PCR tests to enter the venue. For your safety a qualified medical worker is constantly on duty at the site.

    However, if you’re feeling unwell, it’s best to refrain from going offline. You will be able to participate in the offline part remotely or watch the performances in the recording.